Friday, April 1, 2011


My house is full right now.  Our good friends from Cincinnati are visiting on their spring break and sleeping in Tariku's room, while Tariku is sleeping on my bedroom floor (I had to remove him from my bed due to his excessive snoring and his inclination to make snow angels in his sleep which leads to a very rude awakening in the middle of the night for this mama...but, I digress...), our friend's daughter is sleeping in my girl's room with my two, their two boys are sleeping on an air matress in the play room, and then two more of our friends from Cincinnati came as well and are sleeping in the guest room.  Packed house.  And you know what? I LOVE it!!

We all cooked together, ran to the store for and with each other, walked to get the kids at school together, sat and watched them play together, hiked together, watched Africa videos together, prayed together, laughed together, tried to light a grill together, shared meals together, and even sat on the couch and looked at our iPhones together. :)  And this whole week I've been thinking about what a blessing "together" is.  That "together" is what we are made for.  We are made for community, to "do" life with each other.  Moments spent together are richer and more meaningful.  They are just so GOOD!

I am unbelievabley grateful for my "together".

And this all on the heels of a meeting I sat in on today where we talked about the number of kids who are aging out of the foster care system here in the U.S. with nowhere to go and no hope for their future.  1 in 4 are incarcerated.  They are three times as likely to commit suicide.  They are more prone to trafficking and prostitution.  They are more likely to be homeless.  We talked about young mothers who are pregnant and alone with nowhere to go...the hopelessness they must feel...the loneliness.

Where is their community?  Will they ever know the meaning of "together"? Who is going to cook and laugh alongside them? How are they to get through life without strong relationships?

I have to admit, I spend the majority of my time thinking about what is going on in Africa, a land full of people I dearly love and feel that God has carved a very special place in my heart for. But I feel like God expanded my heart today.  He peeled back another layer and allowed me to see what is right in front of me to do.

There are people all around me who have no community and know no love.  What does it cost me to reach out and mentor a kid who's aging out of the system?  Not much.  What does it look like to befriend a scared, young woman who's going to give birth soon?  How much of my time would it really take to help them know the meaning of "together"?  Not much.

I am excited about what's on the'll be hearing more as things unfold.  But the point for now that God is whispering to my heart is that "together" is a gift He's given us that we in turn are to give to each other. We are meant to live in community and in relationship with one another.  ALL of us. No one should miss out on the awesomeness of "together".


  1. Love seeing your heart be peeled one layer at a time and am so pumped that you and yours are a part of my "together".

  2. nail on the head.
    new seasons. budding.
    planted by streams of water.
    fruit coming in its perfect season, friend.
    like it.
    love you.

  3. God did the same for us. We have loved adding those people in foster care to our family and community. One day my heart longs to also get to know the people of Africa, but until then we are keeping our selves busy!
