Monday, February 22, 2010

Empty Pockets, Full Life

If you don't have 12 minutes, do yourself a favor and come back later to watch the video below. You'll want to hear the story of Pastor Walter in Swaziland. I am utterly humbled. This man empties his pockets and gives the only money he has away without hesitation. But more than that, he pours out his life into the people in his community. He is such a beautiful picture of how the body of Christ should be operating on a daily basis. Pastor Walter has taken James 1:27 seriously - he is living it. He's a man with a vision that God is bringing to life. He has laid it all down for the sake of the kingdom. Check out his smile. Feel his joy. See the people he impacts. Hear their stories. Get on your knees and pray for this man and the people he ministers to. And after you're done praying get up and get involved. It's not about our's about our hearts. May we be compelled by the love our Father has for the least of these. May we rise up and be the people Jesus has called us to be...willing to give our lives way so we can find them.

Meet Pastor Walter...

The Pastor Walter Story from Children's HopeChest on Vimeo.


  1. Oh my! I am so happy you are getting to travel with the Andrews! Praise God! and I must come back and watch this video... but for now

    You have an AWARD on my site! Feel free to grab and repost if you like!

    God bless you friend!


  2. WOW what an AMAZING man of GOD!!!!!! if more of us actually lived out the word on this level imagine what we could do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being JESUS to the least of these with so much JOY and PASSION no matter what the cost!! I am too so humbled by this man. Thanks for sharing Amy.XXX

  3. I just found you and I'm so blessed to have. I've been reading up and congratulations on your new son! Your husband's post from December gripped me in the final paragraph. I love the heart of your family, it matches ours:) Blessings to you on this adoption journey.
